A Love Letter to My Future Clients

Dear Future Client,

As your future coach, I’m writing a note to you in advance of our relationship together to let you know a little about what it would be like to work with me, and things I believe about you and what you are already capable of. It’s a letter of love from me to you, inspired by a previous post, a love letter to myself.

First of all, you my friend, are already creative, resourceful, and whole. You possess impressive skills, leadership, strength, and bravery. For whatever reason, you might not believe this just yet, but I’m here to tell you it’s true. I’ve worked with 100’s of people over the last several years, listened to their fears and obstacles, seen them navigate hard situations and tough places, and helped empower them to take the smallest biggest steps to go after and accomplish what they wanted. I believe you possess all the ingredients right now to make the changes you long for, you just might need someone to walk alongside you as you discover the recipe that works for you and your unique goals, experiences, and strengths.

I’d like nothing more than to be your trusted advisor as you put your recipe to work. To try out a few iterations perhaps and see which one works best. For you to be successful where success is defined only by you. Not the broken systems that tell us we need to be perfect, or you need to have certain things or status in order to be successful. Not by what your family, partner, or anyone else tells you what you need to be. To normalize coloring outside the lines, advocating and negotiating for yourself, and also, if this pertains to you, normalize loss and estrangement from those who were supposed to love you most. To honestly focus on what makes you happy from a place of true curiosity free of judgement. 

I unequivocally believe in you. Working with me would have a cheerleader in your corner. Someone who cuts straight to the heart of the matter with great care ready to brainstorm the options and shine light on what makes you incredible. It’s all right there at the surface ready to be seen.

The world is a hard place right now. Brené Brown and Esther Perel recently talked about the New AI: Artificial Intimacy. They say we’re living in a society where we have so many internet friends, but many of us are experiencing a deficit on true community and connection. I feel this is happening, and want to work to build better, stronger communities where we support and uplift each other. I want to be someone who truly listens to you, maybe for the first time in your adult life. To be your true connection.

You are enough, you are worthy, and you have nothing to prove to anyone. You just need to live your one precious life the best you can. Can you imagine how living a life that feels good to you will help you show up a little better in the communities you live, love, and work in? Being more authentic to yourself?

I can’t wait to get to know you and your unique amazing-ness. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you connect to your why, your knowing, what makes you excited. I can’t wait to see you take the brave and courageous actions to live a little truer to yourself. 

If this feels good to you, reach out, say hi, see if we connect. Even if we meet and decide not to work together, you might just add one more person to your community that can help amplify your voice and make your community a little stronger. But I’d honestly love to help you pin down that recipe. The one that feels like home to you and creates the most nourishing life. The one that you’ve been craving and captures your very brightest light.

I look forward to hearing from you!

With love, 

Your Coach,



Work with me!
If you are looking for coaching support, I’d love to meet and see if you are interested in working together. You can email me at shannon@radiantfirefly.com or schedule time to connect here to see if it feels good to continue an engagement together.


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